Sedm divů světa, sada

Seven Wonders of the World Set

  • 1 452,09 Kč bez DPH
  • skladem u výrobce
    Můžeme doručit do: 1.10.2024
1 452,09 Kč
Kategorie: K výuce
Oblast: Zeměpis
Věk dítěte: 3-6 let
This series of classified nomenclature contains two sections that pertain to the seven wonders of the world. The first section contains the seven wonders of the Ancient World. These are beautifully portraid with full color pictures that have been retained through the generocity of the Bridgeman Art Library. Your students will see: • The Statue of Zeus at Olympia • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus • The Great Pyramid of Giza • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon • The Colossus of Rhodes • The Lighthouse of Alexandria, and the • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Thesecond section contains the seven wonders of the Modern World. Illustrated with real pictures your students will discover: • The Great Wall of China • Petra • Christ the Redeemer • Machu Picchu • Chichen Itza • Colosseum, and the • Taj Mahal Each section comes complete with: • Three part cards • Booklets • Control Charts Ideal for use with the Timeline of Ancient Civilizations or the BC/AD Timeline.

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